Earth Day: BPW Spring Clean Up!
Earth Day is Sunday, April 24 and Benton Park West is doing its part. Saturday, April 23 residents are encourage to participate in cleaning up their alleys and litter along sidewalks and common ways.
Block Leaders: Pick a starting point for your group and we'll advertise it. If you provide bottled water and/or donuts for your group, submit your receipts to BPWNA and we'll reimburse you up to $25. Please feel free to call Treasurer, Frank Becker at 314-537-6433 for more info on how to get reimbursed.
Groups may also register with Operation Brightside's Blitz projects to get free trash bags and other items. To learn more or to register, please visit For more info on St. Louis Earth Day, please visit
Take before and after photos of your work! Send them to us the next day and we'll include them in our After the Party post. Email photos to


Can't volunteer on April 23, but still want to get involved to beautify our neighborhood? The BPW Community Flower Garden will plant perennials on Friday, May 6 and Saturday, May 7. Visit our Gardens or Events pages for more details.
Do your part everyday! Take the 10 minute litter challenge. In our 2nd year, take 5-10 minutes a day to pick up any litter on your block. Regular litter pick up will cut your work time to a matter of seconds. This challenge will keep our neighborhood looking good, safe, and inviting to visitors!