If you see illegal dumping, call 911 then call Citizen Service Bureau at 314-622-4800.
You may also contact the Citizens Service Bureau here.
The Refuse Division provides drop-off locations throughout the City of St. Louis for residents without recycling at their residence. The Refuse Division also offers educational programs and can help you set up a paper-recycling program. For more information on recycling in St. Louis City, visit St. Louis City Recycles.
The City's largest recycling drop-off site is the Operation Brightside Recycling Center open 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday - Saturday at 1660 S. Kingshighway. For more info about the recycling center or any other Operation Brightside program, call the Brightside office at 781-4556.
Alley Dumpster Recycling
Benton Park West's trash is collected via alley dumpsters; alleys also have at least one blue 480-gallon recycling dumpster which will have stenciling and stickers such as "Recyclables Only" to indicated their use. If a blue dumpster doesn't have the stenciling and stickers, it isn't a City recycling dumpster; it belongs to a private hauler.
Collection Schedule
Trash dumpsters are collected twice per week, Tuesday and Friday, depending on location. Recycling dumpsters is collected on Tuesday after trash collection has been completed. In the event of holidays, please check the schedule.
Flatten cardboard boxes to leave space for other residents' recyclables in the dumpster and truck (airspace is very expensive to haul).
Property owners are responsible for keeping their half of their alleys in safe and sanitary conditions free of litter, weeds and overgrown trees. The city contracts out maintenance of lighting in alleys and easements to Ameren UE. Report a light out by calling Ameren UE at 314-342-1000.
If you witness illegal dumping, call 911and report the license number and vehicle description. If the information results in the conviction of the suspect, you may receive a $100 reward. If the dumping already occurred, call the Citizens' Service Bureau at 314-622-4800 so the City's Trash Task Force can investigate.