BPWNA Meeting Tonight!
Benton Park West Neighborhood Meeting
Thursday, July 17 @ 7 pm
Five Star Senior Center, 2932 Arsenal
Please join us to hear the neighborhood news and have a chance in interact with your neighbors, 3rd District police, aldermen and NSO.
Special guest speaker: Jeffrey Boyd, running for License Collector for the City of St. Louis. Events A. Fair St. Louis, July 5th, Forest Park B. Cherokee Neighborhoods Happy Hour, Wednesday July 16, 6:00 p.m., ArtBar St. Louis C. National Night Out, Tuesday, August 5th, Minnesota and Utah D. Community Garden – Bud Lite, Do Good Have Fun! Saturday, August 9, E. BPWNA Elections coming up….the neighborhood wants YOU! Also, bring your problem properties and nuisance issues with you. During the social hour we will have designated PARKING LOT so you can speak one on one with your alderman, police representative and NSO. Attendance prizes and 50/50 can send you home with some goodies. As usual, we will make a valiant attempt to keep the meeting at one hour and have a social hour afterward with refreshments (beer, wine, soda, snacks). All residents, business men and women, developers, landlords and other friends are welcome.