Benton Park West Real Estate Listings, Aug. 8, 2014
Interested in residential property in Benton Park West? We publish private sales, sale-by-owner, CDA/LRA, and HUD properties in our neighborhood. If you're not currently looking, tell your friends, families, co-workers about the listings and how BPW is a great place to be.
Please click here for a complete list of properties for sale in Benton Park West.
The next St. Louis Sheriff’s Land Tax Sale is Tuesday, August 26 at 9:00 am in the lobby of the Civil Courts Building (10 N Tucker Blvd). For more information, please visit the City’s site.
FREE Tax Sale Seminar!
Tax Sale seminar Wednesday, August 13, 2014 07:00PM Location: 3500 Magnolia Avenue
The final two St. Louis city land tax sales of the year are August 26 and October 7. Jonathon Beck's law office’s last tax sale seminar is, therefore, just in time: Join us for a sort-of fun presentation on the historical and practical aspects of Missouri’s Municipal Land Reutilization Law. Get your breath taken away as we dispel myths. There is no charge. Due to limited space, please RSVP to Dale Sweet at 772-2889 or
Thank you!