Cherokee Neighborhoods Happy Hour - Wed, August 20, 2014
Benton Park is hosting the Cherokee Neighborhoods Happy Hour this Month. In a new joint effort with Marine Villa Neighborhood of Saint Louis, Missouri, Benton Park West Neighborhood, Gravois Park, St. Louis andBenton Park Neighborhood Association to celebrate our prosper-ing shared border of Cherokee street, we are establishing a monthly Happy Hour on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. These happy hours will showcase our neighborhoods amazing drinking establishments. This month's happy hour will be held at Venice Cafe St. Louis. Get to know your neighbors beyond the traditional neighborhood association meetings. We're looking forward to getting neighbors to talk to each other beyond arbitrary boundary lines and forming stronger relationships with the businesses in our neighborhoods!
Cherokee Neighborhoods Happy Hour
Wed, August 20 at 6:OO-8:00 PM
Venice Cafe: 1903 Pestalozzi, St. Louis, MO 63118 This event is sponsored by the Benton Park Neighborhood Assocation, Benton Park West Neighborhood Association, Gravois Park, and Marine Villa Neighborhood of Saint Louis, Missouri. If your neighborhood has an official t-shirt, or one made by the Vines brothers at, be sure to wear it to the happy hour and #represent!

Photo: Venice Cafe, courtesy of Benton Park Neighborhood Association