Weed & Seed Graduate Neighborhoods & Community Outreach Meeting
St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, District 3
Weed & Seed Graduated Neighborhoods & Community Outreach Meeting
Thursday, September 11, 2014, 6:30 pm
Five Star Senior Center, 2832 Arsenal Street, St. Louis, MO 63118
6:30 p.m. Graduated Weed & Seed Meeting Welcome Remarks
-Neighborhood Representative
6:35 p.m. Break into 15 Neighborhood Groups with District Officers
- New Problem Properties & Calls for Service Officers Erin Hein, Daphne Allen
- District Three Detective Bureau-T.B.D.
7:00 p.m. Community Outreach Mtg. Begins:
- District Three Community Outreach– P.O. Calabro
- Pledge of Allegiance- St. Louis Police Explorers
- Introduction of Attendees
7:05 p.m. Crime Strategies/Business Crime Prevention/Crime Statistics/Arrest-Cathy Cawthorne Award presented by, The Commander of District Three Mary Warnecke
7:15 p.m. Guest Speakers: Grand Jury Association-Good Citizenship
- Bob Powers & Rich Sykora-Assist. City Counselor, Problem Property/Nuisance Process
- Announcements: questions, concerns, events
- City Officials: Alderpersons Wards 6, 7, 8,9,15, 19, 20 & 25, N.S.O.’s, Neighborhood Presidents (15)
8:00 p.m. Closing Remarks Upcoming Events/Speakers- Calabro
Next mtg. December 11th, Holiday Pot Luck Meet & Greet - Santa and his Merry Elves.
P.O. Joseph Calabro Sr.
Community Outreach District Three