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10 Minute Clean Up Challenge - Photos, June 2, 2015


Congratulations to Linda Hennigh and Rev. Paula Cooper for talking the 10 minute challenge and cleaning up litter on Utah from Iowa to Jefferson! If you've taken the challenge, send us your photos to be shared here as well. Submit them to


10 minutes is all it takes to make a difference. We can all find 10 minutes during our day. Benton Park West Neighborhood Association is challenging you to the 10 Minute Clean Up.

The 10 Minute Clean Up Challenge

  1. Select one BPW block; your block or an adjacent block

  2. Take 10 minutes daily to pick up the litter; lawn to street

  3. Do this throughout the year

  4. Encourage your friends and neighbors to take the challenge

Share with us your before and after photos on our Facebook or email them to for us to share.

Together, we can make a difference. The best part, you'll have a cleaner, safer neighborhood to live, work, and play in.

The Indirect Costs of Litter on Quality-of-Life are Considerable

Indirect costs include the degree to which litter reduces the value of real estate, deters a customer from entering a business, or a new employer from locating to a community. To measure these impacts of litter, the 2009 study surveyed homeowners, realtors, and business development officials.

• 93% of homeowners say a littered neighborhood would decrease their assessment of a home’s value and influences their decision to purchase a property. And 40% estimated that litter would reduce a home’s value by 10% to 24%.

• 36% of business development officials say that litter impacts a decision to locate to a community.

• 55% of realtors think that litter reduces property values by about 9%.

• 60% of property appraisers would reduce a home’s value if it was littered.

• The presence of litter in a community decreases property values by a little over 7%, according to the National Association of Home Builders pricing model.

Teen Volunteers

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