After the Party: Students Today Leaders Forever
Sunday, February 18 high school students from Birmingham, AL came to Benton Park West for service work. These students were a part of Students Today Leaders Forever.

They walked our streets picking up litter and down our alleys pickup trash. They also distributed newsletters and flyers about neighborhood meetings.

After our work, they played a little basketball with neighborhood kids at Love Bank Park.

A special "Thank You" to our STLF students, Alderman Dan Guenther, Operation Brightside, STL Style House, and the Salvation Army - Temple Corps.
Interested in keeping Benton Park West looking clean? We'll have start Saturday morning litter clean ups in March and alley clean up in April. Don't want to wait? Take 5 minutes out of your day to pickup the litter on your block or trash out of your alley. You also might consider joining the Beautification Committee.